Logistics were restricted by eliminating or weakening travel spells. Each individual troop unit was given its own movement allowance on the adventure map, with units possessing the ability to split off independently of the main army however, the troops can no longer be “shuttled” from hero to hero to move an army large distances in a single turn. Projectile attacks and spells now required direct line of sight to the target. Retaliation was allowed simultaneously with the attack, and ranged units were given the capability to retaliate against ranged attacks. Non-hero spellcasting units were given proper spell selections. The traditional hexagon-based battle grid was converted into a much higher-resolution square-based grid, making it easier to feature units of different sizes. Both the adventure and combat maps were converted to fixed-view isometric 3D display. It is possible to have armies with more than one hero, or with no heroes at all, although armies without a hero are incapable of performing certain tasks, such as capturing enemy towns or structures. Unlike previous games, where they had little active role in combat, heroes became present on the battlefield with their troops.

Heroes of Might and Magic IV is a turn-based strategy game developed by Gus Smedstad. Download Heroes of Might and Magic IV for free on PC – this page will show you how to download and install the full version of Heroes of Might and Magic 4: Complete on PC.